Wednesday, November 23

Blitz all systems go, ready to launch!

Yahoo. Yes! I have finally completed Blitz. I must say I'm quite proud of my recent model (Though there will always be more learning to be done, so why not just let me feel this why for now.)

There has been a few hiccups along the way, (broken parts, running out of paint, top-coat and not forgetting the shield got damaged due to industrial strength thinner and now it looks like a battle-scar oned) But in the end I got it done yahoo...

And heres some of the photos of Blitz.

Monday, November 21 should sell your Gundam on Ebay....

Today I went out with my friends as I needed to get Top-Coat for my Blitz, I ran out of it half way yesterday when I was about to finish… Somehow the topic of the day when to: why not sell your finished Gundam models on EBay. I heard of some people being paid up to $300 to fix up and air bush the models. But for my part, I have intention of selling my models (Besides who wants to buy my unprofessionally done models anyway haha)

I replied back, saying my reasons for not selling. To me selling them for cash is not the reason why I spend time to make them, but rather it’s the satisfaction of construction process and the final completion of it that is the best “pay” of all. I guess everyone knows that feeling when you completed something hard on your own. Well that’s what feel every time I completed one (the “construction" phase may be like hell but in a way its still fun.) Basically I think you call this passion.

He/she kept on asking me to sell them on EBay, saying that when I grow up I may lose my passion for model making and what will I do with the large collection of models that now will have no meaning to me? You might as well sell them.. I felt quite offended by that remark. AT this moment my passion for model making has never died and I believe it will never die. The flame may grow smaller but will never fade away.

Money is not everything in the world, there are other pleasures in life and we should not be so self absorb into making money out of everything. I hope the person realizes this.

Ok, on I brighter note of life, my Blitz WILL be completed by the end of this week. I SWEAR, CONFIRM etc….

Oh more thing… Only 14 more days…. You know what I mean heehee…..

Thursday, November 10

First, Second, Third...

Yahoo. Today I finally passed my driving on the third try.
Like they say, 3s a charm. How true, how true.

Anyway, besides this gd piece of news nothing else much to write on. As for my Blitz (which I have been putting off for too long), I should be done by next week. So say tune to then.