Tuesday, September 27

Wanton Noodle Please...

Today is a Monday and it has been very blue.

I forgot to bring my mouse to school and was left to tackle the touchpad of my notebook with extreme difficualty and fustration.

Next the train that I took, the air-conditioning broke down. I was practically perspiring!
(note* humans perspire, animals sweat)

But the best was the Wonton (dumpling) noodle my friend help me buy(we weren't eating in the canteen). I asked for no pork and all wonton. But what I got was noodles and vegie THATS ALL!!!!! The guy got my order wrong.

What a why to start the week - Wonton noodle please and I get only noodles and vegie!?

Its sures going to be a interesting week ahead.

Friday, September 23

Cloud covered Moon

I know is been quite a long time since I blogged, but here is something interesting. Tonight I saw the moon partially covered by the clouds, and it looks so surreal.

So here some shots of them (I know very lousy shots haha.)

And btw, if you are reading this hobbosocks, what do you mean from your last comment,

".... you might not actually be english...."

I don't really get what you mean...

Friday, September 2

Here ducky, good ducky

adopt your own virtual pet!

Here is my new pet, ducky, whom I have adpoted from Bunnyhero Labs I found out about this a adopt a pet when I happened to check out this blog by Hobbosocks.

You should go check out her blog, it is really neat, and very interesting. Oh yes 1 more thing go and adpot a pet as well haha. But don't forget to treat them nicely.