Customer Service
Today I went to the SIM customer service and had to a gut-wrenching, blood sucking 40 mins before it was my turn. I was then told to call course in-charge for the problem. But she told me to told me to come back tomorrow with the books I am suppose to exchange. Best yet, she only spoke to me for less than 2 mins!
So 40 mins waiting, 2 mins with the customer service admin and another 2 mins with my course in-charge. In all I only spend 4 mins for the problem and I still have to come back tomorrow to get it resolved!!!!
In that total time I could have already reached back home!!!!!
Bloody freaking lousy service. Only 2 admin were on duty. And they knew there were a large no of people waiting. They should have gotten more staffs to help at the desk.
Just last night I was watching the National Rally Speech, and the PM was actually talking about our service quality. He mentioned that all in the service line should improve the service quality. Guess SIM customer service folks did not watch his speech.
Anyway the bottom line is that Singapore service is totally like crap and it needs so SERIOUS overhaul. But I more concern with SIM services, they should be more attentive and depending on the situation, post more or less staff at the desk.
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