Saturday, August 20

Sociology - What it really means

Sociology is define as the study of human societies, and how why we interact with our environment. Oh it's so simply correct? So in another way it is finding out why we act the way we do things the way we do it.

Well I think this is craps. It’s just a playground for theorist to compete with each other to see who has the best theory on sociology.

I think they are just finding, no giving reasons to justify our action on earth. Justify the reason and you justify the meaning we are on earth.

Well let’s put bluntly, I never understand why we are on earth and I never respected ourselves. They say we are the highest intelligence, the ones with a conscience. I totally disagree. (This is for another post)

We are all just selfish ppl how don't give a damm bout earth and the other animals on it. I say we should be totally wiped off the face of the planet and let another higher species take over. Hopefully they do a better job then us so called "evolved" species (What a bloody joke).


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